Tuesday, July 01, 2008

farewell party!

went to ah pat korkor BBQ..
was fun.
she was there too.
i hate it.
but its not up to me.
everything was just so fake.
i dono why she hates me so much.
until now i still dono the ans.
i seriously dono.
so childish i think.

met tessa today..oh..so fun..
she was so much prettier now..

today's kent last day at Viet Lang.
was happy for him.
but i am sad for myself.
oh no.
gotta handle so much things.
i cried.
i couldnt handle.
i wasnt capable at all.
dinner got no table at all -.-"
farewell steamboat start earlier than i expected.
but ended later than i expected too :p
had a walk wif juan..
i realised i can confide with her..

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