Thursday, October 25, 2007

i'm broke..yet i am happy:))

i am damn broke now..
2 big explosions on both dear & my sis birthday pressie.

actually 3 bombs..
the very first bomb..
our anniversary gift..
the second bomb..
his birthday pressie & surprises..
(its a secret!)
the third bomb..
my sis birthday pressie.

i wonder how am i gonna survive the rest of the days before my next pay cheque comes.
i remembered my niece, rachel..
she always said "oh dear!"
now i am the most suitable one to say "oh dear!"

though my wallet now has a BLOODY BIG hole..
but i am rather happy..
i have done all the stuffs i wanted..
bought all the stuffs which i needed.
i am satisfied now.
lucky i work alot this month..
so next month..
life will be slightly better i guess?
god bless me.

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