happie birthday my dear..he is having a shower now.the cake is also in my room now.however,its still a surprise for him.hee*will come back soon!bye.
another 8hrs more to my dear's birthday!
i will not be updating tml..
no time.
tonight going to meet dear..
monday will be meeting my sis & bro in law..
including my dad..
we will be having a dim sum buffet.
hopefully dear will join us.
i will be happy!
today is my 1st time working with cheng teck..
doing opening..
he looks so blur..
cos long time nvr do service..
always stuck in bar.
i shall stop here.
nth much to update also.
tummy ache!!
i am damn broke now..2 big explosions on both dear & my sis birthday pressie.actually 3 bombs..the very first bomb..our anniversary gift..the second bomb..his birthday pressie & surprises..(its a secret!)the third bomb..my sis birthday pressie.i wonder how am i gonna survive the rest of the days before my next pay cheque comes.suddenly..i remembered my niece, rachel..she always said "oh dear!"now i am the most suitable one to say "oh dear!"lolx*though my wallet now has a BLOODY BIG hole..but i am rather happy..i have done all the stuffs i wanted..bought all the stuffs which i needed.i am satisfied now.lucky i work alot this month..so next month..life will be slightly better i guess?god bless me.
dear just went back home.shall wait for his sms before i sleep.so i will sleep with ease when i know he's home.just now had a big buffet feast with dear at bugis..together with ah bin korkor..jeremy & ling..so shiok.jeremy is the winner.he ate the most..i cant believe such a skinny tall guy like him can eat that much.its abit unbelievable..scary eh?!then walk back to esplanade & we headed on our own ways.ah bin korkor went to VL to find ah pat korkor..then jer will send ling home..me & dear went to marina square carpark.i am so satisfied.always wanted to have steamboat session.well..i had it today.my wish is granted.it marked my wonderful day with a fullstop.this love song is specially dedicated to my dearest hubby..though he doesnt understand the meaning of the song..but it doesnt matter.just wanna let him know that..i love him.「ねえ、大好きな君へ」笑わないで聞いてくれ「愛してる」だなんてクサいけどねだけど この言葉以外 伝える事が出来ないほらね!またバカにして笑ったよね君の選んだ人生(ミチ)は僕(ココ)で良かったのか?なんて 分からないけど…ただ 泣いて 笑って 過ごす日々に隣に立って 居れることで僕が生きる 意味になって君に捧ぐ この愛の唄 「ねえ、あの日の僕ら何の話をしてた?」初めて逢った日に よそよそしくあれから色々あって 時にはケンカもして解りあうためのトキ過ごしたね この広い僕ら空の下 出逢って恋をしていつまでもただ 泣いて 笑って 過ごす日々に隣に立って 居れることで君と生きる 意味になって君に捧ぐ この愛の唄いつも迷惑をかけてゴメンネ密度濃い時間を過ごしたね僕ら2人 日々を刻み作り上げてきた想いつのりヘタクソな唄を君に贈ろう「めちゃくちゃ好きだ!」と神に誓おうこれからも君の手を握ってるよ 僕の声が 続く限り隣でずっと 愛を唄うよ歳をとって 声が枯れてきたらずっと 手を握るよただアリガトウじゃ 伝えきれない泣き笑いと悲しみ喜びを共に分かち合い生きて行こういくつもの 夜を越えて僕は君と 愛を唄おうPS:i knew you will be my one & only in my this entire life.cos no one will love me more than u do.adam..i love u more than anyone else in the whole universe.u meant the world to me.without u..i am just a nothing.
dear just left my hse ard 30mins ago..yet now i am missing him liao le..i am so...yay..tml finish work with dear!then he will go home to take the cage..will come back to my house again.then 老二 will have new house..not really new hse la..his friend give de..so tml 老大 & 老二 will be separated liao..unless we bring both of them out & let them be reunited.haha*2 more weeks to exams le..i am getting more & more nervous..worrying about this and that..i should have more confidence in myself instead.dear today bought the 1GB m2 card for me le..her sis passed it to him.wanted to return him back the money..but he said no need.. >_<"take it as the anniversary present.hmm..then i can concentrate on the "thing" for his coming birthday :)wee*tml working 11-6..maybe going for revision class..most probably going la..
had a sushi feast with dear on sunday after buying our hammies' toys..went to vivo..bought some toys for our hammies..guess wat?we spent more than an hour inside..all cos of my dearest hubby lor..he's so fussy than me!haix..i am jealous over the two hammies..he cared more for the hammies now..damn damn damn*today went bugis awhile..looking for new cage to put 老二...cos he's too violent..always bullying 老大!even bite my dear's finger..so naughty like shit.then went to buy my metal strap watch & necklance..dear bought the black strap at JB..so i went to chameleon to buy something to put on..in the end,i bought rings..3 in 1..3rings at the price of $9!quite cheap to me la..hmm..after that..something happened..got an heated arguement..but now..its over.we are fine now.our quarrels very quick & steady de..talk it out and everything is fine back to square 1.he said he "died at my hands"..but i insisted that i am the one who "died at his BOTH hands"..we are a happy couple afterall :)i am so blessed.
i am such a blur sotong..hehe*thought dear was finishing work at 4.30pm..so i faster wake up & do housework..then watch golden pillow..ended up to know he's finishing at 5.30pm la..i was like so..argh*rushed like hell for nothing..i should have slowed down myself.later going to meet dear..go see see for 老大 & 老二 toys..tml working morning..tue & wed also the same.thurs off.fri got split shift.sat also morning if i am not wrong.cos i wanna do something for my dear..cant wait for his birthday to come..wee*as if its my birthday like that..i am such a kan chiong spider..its all because i love him..he has done lotsa things for me.being with me..he is often very tired..trying his best to accompany me whenever he can..then still gotta make his way back home to JB..i am so gonna promise myself to treat him good good.just that my dear is sometimes a un-move-able STONE.however..he is still nice.still romantic at times..but often too late..cos everytime i angry or upset then his romantic side will show.i cant imagine losing him.it will be like a world with sunshine.but but but..he is always so cute when trying to cheer me up again.looks so pathetic..i am always secretly laughing in my heart everytime he looks so pathetic yet so cute.without fail..i always lose until very jialat..i cant control myself not to laugh when he's cheering me up..omg*this is true.michelle is so accurate..i have got 情花毒!!!我已经跌进了黄成华的世界。。。
muacks my dear.i'm so looking forward to see u laterrrrr....
woohoo*finally completed my 5 consecutive days of work..so tired yet happy.but exams around the corner..so after next week..shall stop work for about 2weeks.pay will be so much lesser..haix..no choice..monday got revision class..abit scared..i wanna stop here liao..lazy to keep on typing..nth much to update also.
i was too busy to come online the past few days.this week got 3 split shifts..i was like so steam-ed!abit sian la..but no choice..this month spent alot.got my hammies le..bought two males..cos i don want babies to prevent inconveniences..furthermore,i will be very anxious if the mother gives birth and i wouldnt know what to do with the babies!my two hammies' names are..老大 & 老二..cos dear said these two names the best..no need to crack our brains to think of the names.i am so so so tired today..nvr had enuff sleep ytd night..then today work..my face was kinda sian la..tml split shift again..fri also..god bless me then..
i wasnt feel very good after mel & her bf went to Lot 1..very giddy after i came out from toilet.i could feel my hands are ice cold..i was really afraid to be alone.so i called dear..but i guess i made a wrong decision.i know he wont come down & waste a trip like that.so i called nic..but nic nvr pickup my call.nvm.i called weiming..wanted to ask him for help but i know he's with baobao so i just bluff him saying that i am bored.my last solution..i called kenji.without fail..he came down in cab & sent me home.surprisingly..nic came down with kenji anyway.i know he was tired after training..yet he still pretend to look energetic & happy.still bought me a doughnut to cheer me up.thanks for helping me & staying by my side when i am afraid to be alone.somehow..i wished dear is the one to come down..but i know he wont.i just knew the answer.my heart tells me so.yet i still call him even though i know there will be disappointment.i am so stupid.such a stupid fool.i am doing so much for nothing.really nothing!i shouldnt have cracked my brains for ideas all along..for i know i wouldnt feel appreciation.i am just not appreciated.
i am meeting melissa later..cos we both wanna buy hammies!hehe*nvr had a hammie since last year cos my both xiaobai & xixi passed away.decided to get another hammie.but still not sure wat kind of hammie i want.i want 2 hammies..cos mel said living alone very lonely.sounds true la..but i thought like that even better cos the only hammie got the full attention?dono lahs..will discuss with dear again..later going to meet her and look around for hammies..will update later if possible.
tonight can see dear liao..i am so so so happy*2days nvr meet him at all..today is the 3rd day..but i really miss him like hell..i so wanna have a great big hug from him.tml go celebrate my niece, rachel's birthday.dear is coming along too..so looking foward to see her.wee*i am on cloud nine~~~tonight have to attend lessons..but i will leave at 8.30pm during the break.today my body so lazy..keep yawning..nvr even bother to pack up my messy stuffs..i am just waiting for time to pass then i can see dear liao!hehe*
i am having a bad headache today..
ever since i woke up..
so terrible.
plus its another monday blues symptoms for me.
i still dragged my feet to work.
later going school again..
fuck it.
just gotta endure a few lessons more then done.
but after that got exams le.
i am so sick..
gastric problems not totally recovered yet.
appetite is like so poor like hell..
so hungry..
feel so hungry yet cant eat much.
otherwise the pain comes again..
and there goes my day.
i so so so miss my dear.
i am dying..
nic said i got 情花毒!
i was like saying..wth!
kenji just smiled & said...
maybe he misses u too.
my ding-dong friends are all like that..
i am used to it.
shall stop here for now.
i was so sick & full of pain the past few days.had terrible gastric pain..so unbearable.had to go to the doctor.got some sleeping pills too.no choice.need it so badly for my sleep.$88 flew away from dear.cos i not enuff money..have to wait till pay comes out then pay him back.just came back from dear's house.today slept whole day..lolx*too tired & lazy.dear just left my house not long ago..i already miss him :'(but i just had to understand that he needs his own time & freedom.he has his own home.but i still miss him.right now..i can only miss him in the deepest corner of my heart.haix.tml work morning..after that still need to go class.sian la.wonder how am i gonna survive without my dear..minnie will always love mickey.
this few days work morning..at night got dear acc me..so no time to update.yesterday suppose to work till 10pm.then when i was about to go home..unexpected crowd came.sucks*so busy..i stayed till 12.30am!i cant imagine i work 10hrs just like that.nvm la.more money..its over anyway.but today i was damn steamed lor..eyes so heavy..later going to dear's 2nd home.will be spending a night with him.haix.after he change jobs.. we may not meet that often as now..i am so scared that i cant see him..really really scared..hopefully my dad can allow him to move in with me.he will pay abit of rent la..then i can see him more le.pls..hopefully my wish can come true.i shall stop here.dear finishing work soon..will be fetching me in awhile's time.i'm gonna have my shower now.byebye.